******* ISV DATABASE AND TOOLS CONTACT NAMES******* **With some ISVs, there may not be a regional contact, in which case a SR would contact the worldwide contact. Worldwide Americas Europe Asia/Pacific - Oracle--Phaik-Foon Kamp PFK/Bill Pate Niels Soelberg Philippe Lamy - Ingres--John Rinehart John/Diane Sullivan Eberhard Schade Philippe Lamy - SWAG--Eberhard Schade Al Morgan/Rich Roe Eberhard Schade Philippe Lamy - Informix--Pamela Farrug Pamela/Matt Ammer Eberhard Schade Philippe Lamy - Sybase--Chris Thomas Chris Thomas / Philippe Lamy Diane Delsignore - Progress--Pamela Farrug Pamela/Peter Yung Klaus-Peter Mun. Steve Baker - IBI--Al Morgan Al/Brad Wagaman Klaus-Peter Mun. Bob Thomas - Uniface--Eberhard Schade Chris Thomas Eberhard Schade Bob Thomas Diane Sullivan - Cincom--Sallie Porter Sallie/Dick Peake Klaus-Peter Mun. Bob Thomas - CA--Nancy Twombly Nancy/Don Marchon Klaus-Peter Mun. Bob Thomas - Speedware--Al Morgan Al/Dave Harriman Bob Thomas - Cognos--Mary Ann Gustafson MAG/Marty Waters Bob Thomas